Motion Models for People Tracking

Alexander Höreth

June 2016, University of Osnabrück


multiple cameras...

make motion detection rather straightforward


makes things more difficult:

  • noise
  • occlusion
  • ...

we require prior information

prior models

estimate plausible poses using probabilities

sufficiently general to admit all possible motions
strong enough to resolve ambiguities

state of the art

activity specific models from motion capturing

Problem: Pose and motion data is extremely high dimensional, difficult to visualize and expensive to compute on.

Bayesian Filtering

approximate the posterior probability distribution over human poses
or motions given image observations

\(p(x_{1:t}|z_{1:t}) = p(z_{1:t}|x_{1:t})p(x_{1:t}) / p(z_{1:t})\)
states \(x_{1:t}\), observations \(z_{1:t}\), time \(t\)

high dimensionality

computing the posterior distribution is intractable

  • assume state independence \(p(z_{1:t}|x_{1:t}) = \prod_{i=1:t}p(z_i|x_i)\)
  • assume markov process \(p(x_t|x_{1:t-1}) = p(x_t|x_{t-1})\)


Joint Limits

limited range of motion in each joint

detected poses need to satisfy valid biomechanics

can be used to capture plausibility of pose estimates

Smooth Motion

every new pose equals the old pose with some added noise
\(y_{t+1} = y_{t} + \eta\)

\(y_{t+1} = y_{t} + \kappa(y_t - y_{t-1}) + \eta\)

Linear Kinematic Models

pose data

collected using off-line motion capturing

\(\mathbb{D} = \{y^{(i)}\}_{i=1,...,\mathcal{N}}\)
\(y^{(i)} \in \mathcal{R}^D\)

N poses y each consisting of D joint angles

a motion is a sequence of poses: \(m = (y_1,...,y_m)\)

pose space

activities exhibit strong regularities

\(\rightarrow\) data from a single activity is likely to be clustered in high dimension

\(\rightarrow\) eigen-poses can be constructed for complexity reduction

motion PCA

linear combination of mean motion and eigen-motions characterized by scalar coefficients

\[m \approx \mu + \Sigma_{j=1 \rightarrow B} x_j b_j\]

4 subjects, varying speeds, ltr: walking, running, both
4 subjects, varying speeds, ltr: walking, running, both

Nonlinear Kinematic Models

dimensionality reduction

input to nonlinear DR and linear DR
input to nonlinear DR and linear DR

nonlinear DR linear DR


periodic motions follow a cyclic trajectory in high dimensionality

linear models require many dimensions to appropriately span the data

nonlinear manifolds can model those structures better


univariate \(\rightarrow\) multivariate \(\rightarrow\) processes


gaussian processes

\(f \sim GP(m, k)\)
function \(f\) is distributed as a GP with mean function \(m\) and covariance function \(k\)

this is a superset of a gaussian distribution
\(f \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{1:n}, \sigma_{1:n,1:n})\)
\(\mu_i = m(x_i)\quad\) \(\sigma_{ij} = k(x_i, x_j)\)

training gaussian processes

\(k(x,x') = \alpha exp\left(-\gamma/2 * ||x-x'||^2\right) + \beta \delta(x,x')\)

Hyperparameters \(\theta={\alpha, \gamma, \beta}\)

\(p(Y|\{x^{(i)}\}, \theta) = \prod_{d=1:D} (1/((2\pi)^N|K|)^{-1}) exp(-1/2 * y_d^T * K^{-1} y_d)\)

training tupels of vectors \({(x^{(i)}, y^{(i)})}_{i=1:N}\), \(y_d\) being a vector of every dth element

GP Latent Variable Model

utilizes gaussian processes to predict samples from latent variables

main feature: predictive distribution

unsupervised, we only know the observations and not latent space

optimization happens through evaluating for correct latent space \(\rightarrow\) pose space mapping

initialized with broad gaussians

GPLVM demo

GP Dynamical Model

GPLVM is sampled from independent training data -- ignores temporal relations

intuition for the latent space got lost because of missing spatial proximity

smooth pose trajectories \(\rightarrow\) smooth latent trajectories

required for accurate predictions and tracking

GPDM is initialized using GP prior over latent sequences

GPDM, ltr: latent training poses, probability, sampling
GPDM, ltr: latent training poses, probability, sampling

GPDM demo

GPDM tracking

GPDM tracking with occlusion
GPDM tracking with occlusion


a) Multi-Factor GPLVM

weighted sum over individual models with side information available

b) Hierarchical GPLVM

Hierarchical GPLVM Demo

Switching Linear Dynamical Systems

Restricted Boltzmann Machines

2 layers, neurons connected between the layers but not within

visible units represent the observation, hidden units the latent space

Conditional RBM

extension of RBMs to handle time-series data

added temporal input and autoregression: past n inputs influence current input and hidden layers

autoregressive weights model short-term temporal structure

hidden units model longer-term, higher level structure

Newtonian Models

physics potential

\(M\ddot{y} = f_{joints} + f_{gravity} + f_{contact} + a\quad\) mass \(m\), acceleration \(\ddot{y}\), forces \(f\)

physically plausible motions: e.g. balance or interactions

better generalization: e.g. walking vs. walking while carrying heavy object

no need for a lot motion capture data for training

just potential

while very promising, not yet very well researched

models like this are strongly used in gaming

Thank you for your attention